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About me


I graduated from Northbrook College with an HND in Illustration.


My first job was a greetings card for Marks & Spencer, which was a big woman sitting on a sunbed with cucumbers in her eyes saying 'Hello Gorgeous'.  I have worked on a medical magazine as their in-house illustrator, trying to bring some humour to difficult subjects.


I produce a lot of illustrations for children's books, working on both educational and non-fiction subject matter.  Clients have included:  Random House, Heinemann, Egmont, Barrington Stoke, Lion, Mammouth.


I am also currently presenting some stories of my own to be published - watch this space!


As well as illustrating, I have sold paintings in galleries in the UK and Barcelona. I regularly receive commissions from people who have viewed my work to portray their houses, their gardens and their family, friends and pets in my humorous style using pen & ink and watercolours.


In addition, I demonstrate pen & ink and watercolour techniques at numerous art societies and associations.


Most recently I have been painting on canvas using oils or acrylics with a broad spectrum of subjects.  I've had lots of local interest using this new style and consequently have produced several private commissions and have paintings in shops and cafes.


I hope you enjoy my pictures.  If you would like to comment on any of my work or would like to commission me, I'd be delighted to hear from you ... 



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